I'd be the first to admit that this publication of this man's plight may not seem appropriate of me but this would be a good time for me to point out here that years ago my 14th Amendment, US Constitution right (of equal protection of law) was violated, as well as the Twelve Traditions in that I was singled out in an AA group & there was a culturally supported focus on me where a number of Members knew & some participated; but the collusion resulted in a bias motivated violent attack against me by another member of the group.

I had also experienced prior crimes against me, I was already a traumatized person and the resulting shunning that I felt caused me to go into a despondent ("depressed") state & ended up in the mental health system. I learned & participated and overall it's helped me immensely but the combination of the two disciplines is really what caused me to talk with this man in the first place. He then took advantage of me (most people do) but I don't wish him ill will really, & this isn't "retaliation" of mine to publicize this. I'm a social scientist but compassionate and there's really nothing I can do for him but I won't ignore him. He's still a human being.